Most Overlooked Spinner: Bluefox Vibrax
With the monsoon season here, I thought of Sebarau boils and when I think of Sebarau, I think of these - Bluefox Spinners.
Spinners have their place in every anglers tacklebox. They are one of the most basic form of lures for casters and there are a place and time when only they work while other lures don't.
Their appearance are less appealing to us and we often skip buying these hidden gems.
Their appearance are less appealing to us and we often skip buying these hidden gems.
5gm & 10gm Bluefox Vibrax Spinners
Any type of spinner work with Sebaraus (Hampala Barb) but the Bluefox Vibrax simply work wonders. The bell/bullet shaped head is to emit vibrations that attract fishes and the blade provides flash to get the Sebarau's attention. It's made out of machined brass and is silver or copper plated.
Bell shaped body of the Bluefox Vibrax
The treble hook is sharp out of the box and quite strong but Hampala Barbs have the tendency to bend them during the heat of the fight. This lure comes with tempered VMC treble hook.

The 5gm size is a small pond and stream lure as it is excels in these places.
The blades spin freely and provides maximum flash while the lure is being retrieved. They are either silver or copper plated and depending on the colour options you choose, come with painted or printed patterns.
Durability is excellent, except for the colors fading after a while and the treble hook needs to be changed to something stronger (as with other lures) because we all know our predatory fishes are notorious for their unhooking ability.
In terms of looks, its simple. And this does not catch a lot of anglers but it certainly does catch fish.
So if you're out and about searching for fishing stuff, don't neglect these when you find some. Get one and try it out for yourself. Good things come in small packages AND they're inexpensive too.
Tight lines. Have fun fishing, that's all that matters.
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