The ultimate thing about fishing is that your terminal tackle must be tip-top. Or you'l learn a very expensive lesson later on.
What I'm saying applies to lure fishing.
I have had the opportunity to experience this myself, even though I was confident with my terminal tackle and line ties.
I recently bought a Japanese snap called the "Egg Snap" and even though it was rated to withstand up to 30lbs of pressure, it broke open after i tried freeing my lure from grass near the bank!
Japanese products are always related to quality - or so i thought. With this bad experience, I would go back to using the snaps that I'm used to - RM2 per 10 snaps.
UPDATE: The failure could also be attributable to the superline (braid) I used. Maybe the snaps weren't made to handle superlines.

Oh well. Maybe is wasn't made to handle grass.
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