Friday, July 24, 2015
Short Fishing Session - 16th July 2015
Finding the right spot to fish is made easier with the Deeper fishfinder.
A decent Toman or Channa Micropeltes was safely landed and released. Continued on my road trip right after that.
Enjoy the vid.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Deeper Fishfinder with New Packaging - 2015
Visit Deeper Fishfinder official website for more info and photos.
A Ford Ka was easily located on the bottom of a river in Netherlands and dragged to shore.
Updating the Deeper Application & Deeper Unit
When there are updates for the application & Deeper unit (either in Google Play or iTunes, depending on which smartphone you are using), you simply update the app and wait until it is successfully updated.
Then you simply connect your Deeper to a power source (charger) and it will turn on.
Then open up your Deeper app on your smartphone or tablet and the app will update your Deeper automatically.
Please note that the Deeper will be flashed with new features IF there are firmware upgrades. If not, only the app will be updated. This is done automatically.
Simple and straight forward.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Hits & Misses - Compilation #1
Friday, February 20, 2015
19.02.2015 - Short Fishing Expedition
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Live Target Koppers Frog with Deeper Smart Sonar
Locating fish is made very easy with the Deeper as in my previous entry. But enticing the fish to take the bait is another story altogether. Even though we know that there are fishes in the area, we can't really tell what species of fish they are. All is comes down to is guesswork (with a little common sense).
We won't bore you with how to use the Deeper as that topic has already been covered. As you know, we located fishes in the area and we were sure that they were of the Channa family so we took out our top water lure - this time its the Live Target Koppers Frog in Tan/Yellow colour. This lure took many hits before but the hookup ratio is low. We made one improvement to the hooks - we bent them outwards just a little and we got hookups!
Although this time round, we couldn't find big fishes, the little ones kept us busy. Enjoy the pictures below.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Deeper Field Test
1 x Deeper sonar unit
3 x Attachment loops
1 x Car charger
1 x Wall charger
1 x USB cable
1 x Quick start guide
1 x Soft carrying case
There is no user manual as it is already in soft copy and can be accessed when you open the Deeper app on your mobile device.
We already downloaded and installed the Deeper app prior to getting the Deeper sonar unit so everything was ready. (You can find the Deeper app on iTunes & Play Store free to download). Deeper on Play Store.
All of the items are nicely and securely packed in the box.
For compatibility listing for Android & iOS devices, please click here.
Back to the field testing article.
The spinning set is to be used for casting the Deeper.
The weight of the sonar unit was a little heavy for the rod and we carefully casted the sonar unit very lightly towards the water. It certainly made a distinctive splash.
Just remember that the sonar unit cannot withstand shocks (just little shocks) so please be careful when carrying and using it. Also as mentioned earlier, the top of the sonar unit needs to be securely tightened before casting it into the water, if you don't, there is the risk of water damage to the internals of the sonar unit.
Once a fish is detected, the app will beep (this is the default setting, you can turn off the sound if you want). If a fish is detected, your screen will show a fish icon with a number next to it. The number denotes the depth of which the fish is at.
It was midday by now and the sun was scorching hot, burnt through our sunscreen. Had to rest and call it a day but testing will resume the next day since we are on a long weekend due to public holidays.
Started early morning to beat the midday heat later in the day. Quickly set up our gear and first one in the water is the Deeper. Located fish in the 3 - 5 feet region and we put on our Live Target Koppers Frog to try and bring them up to the surface. Varied our retrieves, pauses and twitches to find out the pattern of the day.
It took a while and once we did find the correct cadence, we got hits and misses. While fishing, we put our mobile in our packs and had the Deeper app running. We had no problems in knowing when fishes were in the area as the beeps were loud enough to alert us.
After locating fish on wide beam, we turned to narrow beam to pin point its location. We got one huge miss on Koppers Frog this time. We wished we had borrowed a GoPro to get it on video. Another sleepless night.
You can type notes about your fishing.
You can check the calender for best fishing times.
Take pictures without leaving the app.
Mark your fishing spots.
Check the weather at your current location.
Share your notes and location on Facebook.
(For most of the features above, you might need to have a data plan on your mobile as it connects to the internet)
Friday, January 30, 2015
Deeper - Fishfinder

1. USB Cable
2. Attaching Loops (3 x)
3. Car Charger
4. Desktop Charger
5. Deeper sonar unit
6. Quck Start Guide
7. Soft carrying case
The items are neatly packed into a box.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
New Test Area - Revisited
Remember the new test area I discovered yesterday? Well, I went again this morning to hopefully hook up with a fish this time. And I wasn't disappointed.
Arrived at around 10:35am and rigged up the ever producing Keitech Swing Impact in flash minnow colour.
Began casting and fine tuning the action of the bait. No follows.
Changed spot to the overhanging tree where I got hit yesterday and started fan casting the area.
On one of the cast, the bait got hit when it hit the water. Gave it a slight jerk and hooked up with the fish. It as a fine Haruan.
The soft and supple plastic on the Keitech bait really made a world of difference (also easily ripped if you catch it on bushes and give it a tug).
All is good and then I decided to put on the Pocket Frog. Again, got takes but couldn't get the hookset right.
Went home at around 12:45pm
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Jump Frogs VS Soft Frogs
A lot of people have asked us why we don't showcase the ever popular Jump Frog. And the answer is just that...the Jump Frog is popular and needs no introduction as it is easy to use, just cast it and burn it back. And usually, if a fish strikes the lure, it will be hooked automatically. Thanks to the upturned double hooks.
The soft frog (better known as the hollow bodied frog) however needs more varying retrieves and the hookset needs to be spot on which increases the challenge and ultimately the stress of fishing.
The Jump Frog is usually carved out of wood and floats. There are double hooks extending out from behind the body of the lure and these are pointed upwards. It could be made weedless with the addition of small tubes covering the points of the hooks. And like I mentioned earlier, the lure is usually retrieved with haste.
Origin - Thailand. Where it is used to catch Tomans (Giant Snakeheads).
They are used with great success in Malaysia.
For us, we are more inclined to go down the unbeaten path where soft frogs are fast becoming forgotten compared to jump frogs.
The thing about soft frogs is that you need to get the retrieve right and remember that these lures are made for Bass. Hooksets are also a skill that needs to be learned through experience as waiting a few seconds and waiting until you feel the fish's weight before setting the hook, does not guarrantee you a successful hookup.
And most of the time, the fish does get away and you seldom would get a second chance in the same area after losing that fish. And such missed hookups will haunt you in your dreams.
So, whatever your fancy. Happy fishing.
New Test Area
Arrived and started casting the Pocket Frog takers. Maybe my presentation is bad. Looked around and saw 2 anglers fishing on the opposite bank using live frogs. Within 5 minutes, they caught fish.
I moved spot to find another adjacent pool, casted and casted while moving...only small takes not enough for a hookup. The lake was too big and it was midday. So since the bites are slow, went back to the original pond and this time went west from where I started fishing. Saw some surface activities and it looked promising and since it was 2pm+ I casted into shades and under trees. This is when magic happened.
Began casting the Pocket Frog under a tree near the bank and saw a v-shaped wake speeding towards my lure and in seconds, a hit. Waited 3 seconds and pulled my line slowly to feel if the fish still had my lure...and...yes, the fish was there! I prepared to set the hook and struck. I felt the fish was still on and a sizeable one too...and then while reeling the fish in...the lure came flying back to me. What?
I was devastated.
Cast under the tree again and again but no follows. So I packed up and went straight home. Took a shower. Wrote this entry.