Saturday, January 24, 2015

New Test Area

Drove around 11:30am (very late) to find a new test area. Used Google Maps to locate likely spots and just drove there using the navigation.
Arrived and started casting the Pocket Frog takers. Maybe my presentation is bad. Looked around and saw 2 anglers fishing on the opposite bank using live frogs. Within 5 minutes, they caught fish.
I moved spot to find another adjacent pool, casted and casted while moving...only small takes not enough for a hookup. The lake was too big and it was midday. So since the bites are slow, went back to the original pond and this time went west from where I started fishing. Saw some surface activities and it looked promising and since it was 2pm+ I casted into shades and under trees. This is when magic happened.
Began casting the Pocket Frog under a tree near the bank and saw a v-shaped wake speeding towards my lure and in seconds, a hit. Waited 3 seconds and pulled my line slowly to feel if the fish still had my lure...and...yes, the fish was there! I prepared to set the hook and struck. I felt the fish was still on and a sizeable one too...and then while reeling the fish in...the lure came flying back to me. What?
I was devastated.
Cast under the tree again and again but no follows. So I packed up and went straight home. Took a shower. Wrote this entry.

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